Tuesday, 27 November 2007

David Beckham and the Galaxy

What a gamble by the FFA. Anything could have happened, and almost did, with sprained ankles, punches and play acting all possibilities that never really materialised.

Now every paper you pickup is splashed with the success of the night. People in the streets are discussing how Beckham 'Bends it'.

Worth the bucks to bring him out here? - no doubt. Worth the risk of it flopping? Could have been soccer bashing fodder for many, but even the bashers will find it hard to deliver drivel in the face of the theatre of the curling free kick, the ankle scare, the good ol' aussie blue, the red card, the embraces with Juninho and Middleby, and the pictures of the crazy fans. And Beckhams media magnetism.

Kudo's to FFA. And to Channel Ten, thanks for commercial free broadcasting.

And to the Cove boys.."70000 people, we play every week" - a great banner for the occasion!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can Australian's name any other "exhibition" sporting event that has ever attracted 70,000 spectators?? I agree, well done FFA, great advertisement for the world game down under.