Saturday, 9 June 2007

Brett Emerton - Superman

Ok he couldn't take a free kick to save his life. And I do cringe when he takes a pot at goal from 30 m out.

But as points out, Emo may just be the fittest man in one of the fittest teams in Australian sport.

Running an average of 12 km in a match is one thing, but doing it up to 3 times a week (as per the EPL and associated comps) is phenomenal. For the 55 games, including Socceroos performances, that he played last season, that's 660km over 11 months...equivalent to running more than 1 marathon every month.

So when the guy plays 50+ games a year at club level, and then backs up for every game the National Team plays, you know for sure where his massive Phar Lap heart is.......did I just make a horse racing analogy?

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